WORLD NEWS BUREAU - 'News at the speed of typing'
The top stories for January 27, 2020:
Maxine Waters: Trump Killed Kobe Bryant
Rep. Maxine Waters (RTRD-Ca) blamed the Trump administration for the death basketball star Kobe Bryant and eight others in a fiery helicopter crash on Sunday.
"Trump's careless disregard for the climate directly contributed to the crash of that copter. Did you see the fog? It was so foggy nobody could drive a helicopter in that shit," Waters said in a PBS interview following the tragic accident.
Pandemic: U.S. Sending Team To China
The White House announced on Monday that it is scrambling to send a high-level investigative team to Wuhan, China to report back on the coronavirus outbreak.
The team, consisting of Rep. Nancy Pelosi (RTRD-Ca), Rep. Chuck Schumer, (RTRD-NY), and Adam Schiff (RTRD, Ca), 'will report back on the seriousness of the threat and suggest steps to safeguard the U.S. and its allies.'
"I wanted our very best, top people on this - this thing is nothing to screw with. Very serious! Tweeted President Trump.
Democrats Question China Trip
In a sharply-worded statement released Monday, The DNC questioned the Trump administration's selection of investigators being sent to assess the coronavirus outbreak in China.
"Why are there no Republicans included in this trip? This appears to be yet another example of rank partisanship from the Executive Branch, especially considering the individuals chosen and their needed involvement in important issues at home."
Sources say the President will address Democrat concerns by appointing two Republicans to accompany the group - Senators Susan Collins (Maine), and Lisa Murkowski (Alaska).

Rep. Maxine Waters (RTRD-Ca) API
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